
Censoring Jesus

White House Requests Removal of Religious Symbol
By Courteney Lario Apr 16 2009

Due to a request from the White House Staff, the university covered up the “IHS”— a symbol of the name of Jesus Christ — on the stage of Gaston Hall during President Obama’s speech on Tuesday.

“Georgetown University was pleased to host President Obama to deliver a major address on the economy in Gaston Hall earlier this week,” university spokesperson Julie Bataille said in an e-mail. “In coordinating the logistical arrangements for the event, Georgetown honored the White House staff’s request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind the Gaston Hall stage in order to accommodate a backdrop of American flags, consistent with other policy speeches.”

The “IHS” symbol, which is located directly behind the podium from which Obama spoke, was covered with a piece of wood that was painted black.
Fr. Kevin O’Brien, S.J., executive director of campus ministry, and Fr. Christopher Steck, S.J., an associate professor in the theology department, could not be reached for comment.


GR4U - Hey way to go there Georgetown! I bet Christ is pleased with you. Nothing beats compromising your principals eh? The University, founded by the Jesuits - the Society of Jesus - was "pleased" to accommodate the White House by muzzling their own Savior. Wow! Amazing. Or should I say sickening?

If it was the University of GunRights4US, the Black House would have been politely told to go pound sand up their ass in response to such a request.


Vote For David said...

Cut the guy some slack on this one, I think it's a lose-lose for him. If they'd left it uncovered, he'd be slammed by people saying he was trying to claim the title for himself. You've already seen the photos that make it look like he has a halo.

Of course, he's not smart enough to go for the default option of "it's their stage I was just talking there" but his teleprompter didn't tell him what to do so how would he know?

GunRights4US said...

Well let me just make clear that it was the University I was slamming. As I said, they should have had the courage of their convictions enough to decline his request to hide all the religious symbols.