
Just MENTION the 2nd Amendment and have the cops called

Prof calls cops when student mentions guns in speech

'If you can’t talk about the 2nd Amendment, what happened to the 1st Amendment?'

Posted: March 04, 200911:40 pm Eastern

A professor at a Connecticut school has sparked controversy by calling police when a student talked about the Second Amendment during a class speech.

The report comes from the Recorder, a newspaper at Central Connecticut State University, which cited the case of student John Wahlberg.

The student was fulfilling an assignment for his Communications 140 class that required him to discuss a "relevant issue in the media" when he and two other students on a team chose to talk about school violence, including recent events such as the 2007 shootings that left nearly three dozen people dead at Virginia Tech University.

Wahlberg made the point during his Oct. 3, 2008, class presentation that if students were allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus, the violence could have been stopped earlier. He discussed the concept of college campus gun-free zones.

That evening, the Recorder said, Wahlberg got a call from campus police officers who "requested" his presence at their station. When he arrived, officers listed firearms that were registered to him and asked him where they were.

Read the whole article here...


Anonymous said...

Nothing that a gunny sack, a dark parking lot and a baseball bat couldn't cure.

GunRights4US said...

Here's what I sent to Paula in an email:


One day you Marxists will push too far, and we (the folks with the GUNS) are going to push back!

I hope you live long enough to see men with guns take back the liberties being stolen from us by your leftist ideological kindred.