
Video of anti-government protests in Iran

All I can say is that Americans should take note of what's happening in Iran. They've reached the point where they are sick of their government and they're fighting back! meanwhile, back here in the land of the free, Americans are more concerned with who's going to the playoffs than they are about what the Marxists are doing in Washington.

We get the government we deserve.


Freedom Strikes Back said...

You can only hope and pray that they overthrow that "evil empire". I know a few Iranians from my college days, and they are very pro American. I remember them telling me in 2001 that the youth (especialy) like the west and it probably wouldn't be too long before some serious uprisings. I guess they were right.

Toaster 802 said...

Imagine The Iranian people with the arms available to American citizens. These thugs would be long gone.

T. Paine said...

Imagine the American people with the gumption and willpower present in the Iranians. Our "public servants" would be long gone.

Anonymous said...
