
Passing thoughts

I still believe that an economic crash is coming. If you fall for the BS that passes for “official” gubmint stats on anything from unemployment to inflation – well, you’re not too sharp. All the numbers are highly massaged in order to keep the sheep as content as possible.

You REALLY need to read Dr. Thomas Woods’ book Meltdown. I give it five stars!

Believe it or not I just listened to my first Obama speech. I managed to catch about 80% of his news conference regarding Obamacare the other night, and I was shocked. Up until now I have not been able to listen to him for more a couple of minutes at a time. It’s not good for my blood pressure, indigestion, and overall stress levels. But I manned up on it night before last, and watched. As I said, I was shocked. THIS is what passes for an articulate public speaker these days? THIS is who some are calling a “sort of God”? The style of his speaking is absolutely maddening to me. That stop / start method of speaking just screams out “DECEIPT” to me. Here’s a guy who’s so focused on not making a slip of the tongue on the little things that the monstrous lies pass thru unabridged! Only life-long mouth breathers could ever be impressed with this utter charlatan.

As for the substance…it was just nonsensical. Here’s one thing that leaped out to me (translation from doublespeak into regular English):

“There is so much waste in government at every level, that all I, Barry the Great, have to do, is wave my magic wand and it will disappear completely. Then there will more than enough money for healthcare for every single soul in America AND all those poor illegal aliens here, and on their way here! And rivers of milk and honey will flow from my half-black anus!”

There are protests happening out there people! And by and large you’re not being told about them. I drove past one yesterday in front of a local hospital that had maybe 50 people there waving anti-Obamacare signs. I watched the local news at 10pm but saw nothing about it.

The propagandizing and programming of the American people is being accomplished to a far more efficient degree than anything that Stalin or Hitler could have ever imagined. The advent of computers, television, and all the other forms of mass communication, have made this a cinch. Sadly there are far too many folks who automatically think that if CNN says it - it MUST be true.

The public school’s penchant for teaching people WHAT to think rather than HOW to think has been a huge factor as well.

Some folks are starting to point out how the current Gubmint is trying to rush everything through these days. The push is on to get as much of this rotten legislation passed, and in effect, before the sheep grow too restless. Rush Limbaugh typically plays all his Obama clips at a speeded up pace to illustrate “the rush”. But at least he and others are trying to draw attention to it. In the case of healthcare, we’ve had a hundred years to get to this point, but the Kenyan and that bug-eyed moron from San Fagcisco seem to think they can pull a fix out of their socialist backsides and have it in place by the end of August.

Arrogant jerks!

Ammo prices are stabilizing and stocks are reappearing where before there were only bare shelves. However, don’t be lulled into thinking all’s well. Count your lucky stars that there’s another opportunity to replenish what you’ve burned up in training. You HAVE been training haven’t you?

Henry Gates versus the Cambridge Mass PD! Have you heard about this? The quintessential racial “intellectual” elitist has a run-in with the local cops led by their on-staff racial profiling expert. What a wonderful potential for a televised legal circus eh?

And as a reult of all this His Lordship the Great High Messiah delivers one of the most asinine commentaries in presidential history (translation from doublespeak into regular English):

I know nothing about this case other than what my black brutha told me, but those honkey pigs acted stupidly …and besides, America is as racist as it ever was!”


Anonymous said...

you are much more tolerant than I, I still don't have the stomach to listen to or watch him. I don't consider him to be the legitimate leader of this country and listening to him makes me sick, and yes, we been training. I think at some point shortly this propaganda machine will lose a wheel and come crashing down, If you want to throw up, just watch a split screen of him and jimmy carter together. Though, I suppose that carter is riding in the jeep that is attempting carry zelaya back to power in honduras. I hope they don't break down in northern nicaragua, that's kind of a no man's up there. It would be a shame if they both died of some hideous jungle disease as opposed to being arrested and prosecuted by the Legitimate gov't of Honduras

The Other Mike S. said...

This was his first speech I've ever listen to the whole thing. I actually switched the channel for a couple of seconds after one of his blatant lies regarding, "there will be no increase in the deficit". I forced myself to click it back on.

It will most likely be the last PR speech of his I'll listen to. I knew exactly what he was going to say for each question. I just wish some of the compliant press would have asked the follow-up questions I was hurling at the TV!

Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up.