
My correspondence with the mayor

I am currently exchanging emails with my city’s mayor, John Peyton over his membership in NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s organization: Mayors Against Illegal Guns. It's probably a waste of time, but I feel compelled to do it.

My original letter:

Mayor Peyton,

I am writing to ask that you reconsider your membership in Mayors Against Illegal Guns. There is so much wrong with that organization that it’s difficult to know where to begin enumerating it all.

Do you really want to be associated with Mayor Bloomberg and his illegal sting operations against legitimate gun dealers in other states? Shouldn’t that be the job of the federal authorities?

Doesn’t it bother you that MAIG is attempting to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, and consequently it is opposed by the BATF, the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, and the Southern States Police Benevolent Association?

Mr. Mayor…there are upwards of 80,000,000 gun owners in America today, the huge majority of which are law abiding productive citizens. The wise men who founded this country strongly felt that an armed populace was vital to the security of the nation from threats both within and without. I and millions like me deeply resent what we see as continuous depredations of a God-given right!

Until I hear that you have disassociated yourself from this disgusting organization, I am sorry to say that I cannot support you in any way.


His response:

Dear Mr. GunRights4US,

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding my membership in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition. I, along with more than 450 mayors throughout the country, joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns because the bi-partisan organization represents my interest in protecting the safety of citizens in Jacksonville by keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.

It is an unfortunate distinction that for nearly a decade Jacksonville has lead the state of Florida in murders. The overwhelming majority of these homicides are committed by criminals with illegal guns. In 2008, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office recovered and traced more than 3,000 firearms seized from the streets of Jacksonville . Also in 2008, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, 66.7% of all statewide murders were committed with a firearm and incidents of forcible rape with a firearm increased 18.4%. As Mayor, it is my responsibility to assist in keeping the residents of our city safe from illegal gun violence.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has no intention of taking away law abiding citizens’ rights under the Second Amendment. Rather, we are focused on enforcing existing gun laws, closing gaps in the gun sale background check system, and giving law enforcement the best tools for preventing the flow of illegal guns on to the streets of Jacksonville and cities like ours throughout the country.

I, along with the members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, will continue to fight to prevent the flow of illegal guns into our cities while respecting our citizens’ rights under the Second Amendment to legally purchase firearms.

John Peyton

My response:

Mr. Mayor,

Thanks you for your response. However you contradict yourself in your own missive. In one sentence you say that MAIG "has no intention of taking away law abiding citizens' rights under the second amendment". In the very next sentence you say you're interested in "closing gaps in the gun sale background check system".

Sir, if you would study the issue as it exists beyond the political rhetoric, the so-called gun show loophole is a complete lie! Those guns that you mention that have been traced by police did NOT come from private sales at gun shows. The great preponderance of them were stolen from citizens (or law enforcement officers). So there is nothing to be gained by limiting private undocumented sales except further infringement of God-given rights. By supporting the closure of the “gunshow loophole” you are playing right into the hands of the disarmament crowd who would prefer there to be NO private gun ownership in America ! How can you say with a straight face that you and your organization doesn’t seek to further abridge my 2A rights? Don’t insult my intelligence (or – with all due respect - are you just revealing your own ignorance?)

I would like to hear an actual response to the points I’ve raised, rather than just some one-sized-fits-all boilerplate nonsense. To reiterate my original point: Until I hear that you have disassociated yourself from this disgusting organization, I am sorry to say that I cannot support you in any way.



idahobob said...

Hey buddy,

You didn't really expect a reasonable response, did you? His "answers" just exposed his true colors.....a professional politician.
He is not interested in your God given rights, he is only interested in "BIG" goobermint, that knows all, directs all and is the final say so and authority for All aspects of your life. They are the princes and dukes, we are the serfs that maintain them in the lifestyle that they feel they deserve.

Sounds like maybe you should run for mayor in the next election cycle. Whaddaya think?


GunRights4US said...

Of course I didn't Bob. It was just something to do. And hell would freeze over before I ever ran for public office!

I'm just gonna keep this in mind when the war comes.