
MSNBC newsmen wet their pants at the sight of a gun

OMG its a gun! Someone get an emergency injunction! Quick! Find us a lawyer!

Watch Chris Mathews interview this guy. He does everything possible to make the man sound like a nut...and fails utterly!

Oh by the way. This was NOT a Town Hall meeting even though the media talking heads keep referring to it as such. More spin to portray average Americans as extremists.


The Other Mike S. said...

There is always the presumption by the press and the general public that the private citizen is somehow unable to control his actions and act responsibly.

Why are the secret service and police automatically presumed to be trustworthy, but a regular citizen is not?

Knowing cops as I do, I would guess that most police officers strongly disagree with Barry's policies. How can they then be trusted with his life?

Because they are decent people. Just like the rest of us.

I feel a rant coming on.....

GunRights4US said...

Indeed, David Codrea over at The War On Guns has expended a tremendous amount of effort rebutting that very presumption. The frequency of egregious LEO behavior that he highlights is absolutely mind-boggling! Perhaps they shouldn't be armed at all.