
An act of treason

I’d much rather take my time and blather on and on about this, but I suppose I should make a few remarks about the treachery of the late senator Kennedy while it’s still a current item of discussion.

WRSA posts an article discussing Kennedy’s offer to assist the Soviets back during the Reagan administration. Now this came to light when the USSR’s files were opened after the collapse of the Soviet Union. As expected, the main stream media gave it no attention and thus most people are unaware that it happened at all. As a consequence, Teddy will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery where his rotting flesh will only serve to despoil the ground where real heroes lie.

I consider it beneath contempt that anyone (but most especially an elected official) would reach out to offer aide to what is CLEARLY an enemy regime! Of all the contemptible things Ted Kennedy did during his remarkably contemptible life, this act trumps them all in my opinion.

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