
Worthy New Year's resolutions

I dearly wish I had thought of this first. It's SUCH a great idea. But alas, it's the brainchild of David Codrea over at The War on Guns. I intend to adopt all these as my 2010 resolutions AND encourage others to do likewise:

1. Attend an Appleseed Shoot

2. Know your state representatives

3. Write letters to the editor

4. Join a gun rights group

5. Send a politician the Gun Rights questionaire

6. Build a guns and liberty book and video collection

7. Take a new person shooting

8. Shoot a machine gun

9. Read Second Amendment books

10. Support all efforts to defend the Second Amendment

1 comment:

Roger Howell said...

Enjoy reading your stuff
My GG grandpappy rode with Newsom's 18th Tenn, Bell's brigade, N.B. Forrest Cav