
I've been called unpatriotic

Well I had an interesting thing happen to me today. I was accused by a liberal in my office of being unpatriotic…because I expressed the hope that Obama’s policies would fail!

Let’s examine some of those policies shall we?

He wants to unilaterally disembowel the US military, and in so doing leave us vulnerable to our enemies.

He wants to eliminate any restriction on abortion whatsoever.

He wants us to become more like socialized Europe.

He seems intent on building a mountain of debt so high that we can climb all the way up to the moon!

He’s determined to bring about socialized medicine, despite the evidence that it lowers the quality of healthcare AND even restricts access to it.

He wants to bring about a welfare state the likes of which the world has never known!

He wants to extend government into every facet of our lives such that Big Brother controls us like never before.

His minions are determined to gut the 2nd amendment and disarm the American people.

His plans include getting as many Americans dependent on government as possible to enhance his and his party’s power base.

He wants to pander to his “poor” constituents by punishing big business with taxes, knowing full well that businesses don’t pay taxes; they pass it on to their customers!

And finally, he wants to punish productivity with taxes, and reward laziness with entitlements.

Now I wasn’t shocked that a liberal would defend Obama. I guess what shocked me was the rapidity in which the insults became personal. Call me unpatriotic? Wow!
I spent 7 years in the Marine Corps for crying out loud!

I’ve heard military service described this way: It’s like writing a blank check to Uncle Sam for everything, up to and including your LIFE if need be. That’s unpatriotic?

I guess I am expected to show my loyalty to a MAN. Well F*CK that! I pledged my loyalty to the Constitution, the same Constitution that Mr. Obama and his minions are trampling daily!

As far as I’m concerned the man will NEVER have my allegiance. Nor will ANY politician who makes it their business to ignore and disdain the US Constitution.


idahobob said...

Here, here!!!!
I, also, spent a few years in the military, 10 of 'em in the Army.


CorbinKale said...

If a liberal calls you names, you know you are doing something right. Keep doing it!

GunRights4US said...

Very true. And I intend to keep doing it!